Saturday 8 September 2012

Leaving on a jet plane...

Pattaya, Thailand, 6.20am

Well after 8 years of spoofing i've finally did it, i'm in Thailand on the first leg of my travels... I can't understand why nobody concerns you with the trauma of leaving your loved ones behind, i'm not over exaggerating when i say my heart broke a little when leaving my family and Tobey at the front door on the Redbridge Road at 6am Fri 7th Sept...

15hrs later via Dublin-Amsterdam-Bangkok / 1hr drive to Pattaya i'm finally here... Long haul flights (11hrs) are not overly pleasant but we got through it, with an eye mask, Tetris, various dodge movies and a small degree of gurning (not like me at all...) we touched down in Bangkok Airport at 6am local time, thank you China Airlines ughhhh...

God i felt fresh stepping off that plane - NOT! After Passport Control / verifying our visas / collecting our baggage successfully, we set out on the hunt for our Thai driver that was suppose to collect us and take us to our hotel in Pattaya that my father's friend owned, as we neared closer to a sign that read 'Mr E Downey' my jet lagged anxiety increased - what exactly was going on... - (to be continued....) ED

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